YouMinter App Release on Mainnet — Updates, Features, and Challenges
We have great news for the YouMinter community — our pioneering Web3 social app is really close to launching on Mainnet. The goal is to deploy a platform that will be readily accepted by millions of NFT enthusiasts all over the world. We are building an interface that will narrow the gap between Web 2.0 and Web3 to steer the NFT world toward mainstream adoption.
So, what has been happening behind the scenes all this time? Well, it takes time to build the best-in-class NFT platform that centers on the underlying community. Our operations are never sub rosa, given that we always involve the community in every development stage. Here are the updates.
The Bumpy Adventure with Apple’s App Store
Building the industry’s much anticipated Web3 social app has been an uphill task, especially when it came to the iOS version. Our developers team made generous amount of various edits and app’s builds in an attempt to play by Apple’s rules that stipulate various restrictions for NFT-based applications. For instance, the review period for NFT apps is pretty long, which can also be interrupted on umpteen requests, seeking additional information.
To say more, our team had a few calls with the App Store Review Team to find out the working options for YouMinter’s concept and functionality that is related to NFT. So, we finally got approved for our way to proceed with the iOS app kickoff.
At the same time, developers across the industry are still in the dark about Apple’s expectations when it comes to concise and documented regulations on how NFT apps should or should not operate in the App Store. Nonetheless, we remain optimistic that Apple shall catch up like its counterparts as the crypto and NFT industries evolve and mature for regulation.
YouMinter’s Features in the Mainnet Beta 1.0 Version
The long wait is about to pay off as the YouMinter app will finally be going to Mainnet, on a date to be communicated soon. All along, it has always been our goal to release an app that is easy to use and accessible to all users, regardless of their geographical or economic background. It is our vision to see YouMinter growing as the most vibrant Web3 social app that will onboard the next millions of users into the NFT world.
The first version of YouMinter on the Mainnet will feature both: non-NFT and NFT Cameras & posts. This function creates an even playground for all users to start posting regular content and attracting followers to their profiles. The number of followers and in-app activity at this and later stages will greatly influence a user’s grade or tier level when all YouMinter functions are unlocked.
Before the Mainnet release, we also will be launching Genesis CameraBoxes Sale. The Genesis sale, whose date will also be announced soon, shall feature NFT Cameras. An NFT Camera is an in-app tool that allows users to create and share NFT posts, as well as convert their existing non-NFT posts into NFTs. More details about this sale and the functionality of the NFT Cameras will be released as the official launch on Mainnet nears.
A lot of other features are on the way to make user NFT journeys on YouMinter as seamless as possible. We urge users to focus on garnering followers and growing the bigger YouMinter community as our developers focus on the technical aspects of the platform.
YouMinter on Android and iOS Platforms
Due to App Store’s restrictions regarding the NFT functionality in the iOS app, we are modifying our iOS application in order to pass the review and provide our community with a top-notch product. There will be some differences between iOS app and Android as App Store guidelines don’t allow some mechanisms with NFT inside the app. However, we found a convenient option for iOS users to make their user experience sleek and captivating.
Right now, we are working 24/7 to develop and implement the required functionality that is required to release YouMinter app on both platforms: iOS and Android. We will definitely keep our community updated on our further steps and all the clarifications on app functionality.
What’s Coming Next?
The journey to the ultimate Web3 world is dynamic and, sometimes, full of surprises. All the same, the YouMinter team is committed to making the best out of Web3 technology and creating a pioneering NFT application where all users co-own the platform in the Ownership Economy program. We also endeavor to facilitate the best content monetization opportunities both within the app and in secondary marketplaces to revive the high-potential, yet underrated creator economy.
We are very motivated and, even though some difficulties are happening on our way, we are really looking forward to releasing YouMinter app with all the NFT and non-NFT functionality.
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