Dear community!
Today we would like to provide an update on TGE and product updates. More than half of our team is based in Ukraine, and the situation is not stable. Most of you probably know that the current situation in Ukraine is disturbing, and we do our best to relocate this part of the team to a safe place to continue our work on the product and community building.
YouMinter wants to declare and confirm that we continue our work on YouMinter’s App, Community’s expanding, and product influence.
Due to the war in Ukraine, our official TGE will be postponed to a different date. We wanted and did everything possible to make TGE on 3rd of March until the very end. However, we see that the situation in Ukraine won’t become stable before that date. We do our best to regulate the situation inside the team and keep processes going, so we will definitely keep you updated.
Since the tense situation in Ukraine and the world, we keep the faith for peace in the world and believe in hosting our TGE in the nearest weeks or so.
We will provide our community with a product update really soon. We want to highlight that we are working hard on the YouMinter app and everything that is related to TGE.
We sincerely thank you for your support, anticipation, and trust between all these uneasy days! YouMinter team also thank you in advance for your understanding!
#PrayForUkraine 🙏 ❤️ !!!