Ownership Economy. Part 2. Staking & Grading systems

4 min readMar 22, 2022


Ownership Economy. Part 2. Staking & Grading systems

In the second part of our “Ownership Economy” principles, we’d like to focus on YouMinter’s Staking & Grading systems and describe the additional benefits for ‘Early Birds’.

As promised, today, we add more details on Staking & Grading and dispel hidden tips on increasing your ‘Grade’ level.

Stakeholders and members of our community will get extra income from the shared financial upside while collective ownership grows.

YouMinter users can get tokens for gaining an extra appearance for their NFTs in the global or personal NFT feeds and gaining income for being active members of the community.

YouMinter users will get a unique opportunity to promote their profiles and content while getting income or selling/buying NFTs.

Thus, in addition to the direct opportunity to earn money on your work (creating and selling NFTs), YouMinter encourages artists and users to develop communities around their profiles while producing quality content.

Grading and Staking principles

As we mentioned in the First Part of our Ownership Economy, the pool size was predetermined and equals 25 million UMINT tokens (50% of all possible tokens). The entire pool will eventually be distributed among the YouMinter community.

Our community members will have an opportunity to use/spend the tokens inside the YouMinter application.

We’ve planned a monthly distribution and vesting. At the same time, the vesting rate will increase linearly every 30 days.

‘Early Birds’ of the YouMinter app (those who had participated in our TGE) will have a unique opportunity to get an extra rewards rate in staking and grading systems.

How does ‘Grading’ work?

Depending on the number of followers, activity, and staking of tokens, each user gets into a tier/grade/level (they are described below) where he will have access to his own pool of tokens.

Factors affecting ’Grade‘ level:

- the number of followers;

- number of UMINT tokens in stake

Everyone will receive % of tokens depending on their grade in an equal share with other users in a particular grade.

Each user’s number of tokens is recalculated once a day, based on the current value of the user’s “grade” for that day.

The example of the possible (not the final) ‘Grades’ by followers:

1. 100 followers

2. 1k followers

3. 5k followers

4. 10k followers

5. 50k followers

6. 100k followers

7. 250k followers

8. 500k followers

9. 750k followers

10. 1+ million followers

You will find your current grade/level at your YouMinter user’s profile.

Each grade/level will increase with staking activity and amount of followers (however, the number of followers is the key index).

Our users will be able to earn money on their work (producing and selling NFTs), as well as receive rewards for community development around their profiles, inviting new users to the application and filling the feed with quality content — for which they will receive an increase in “level/grade” and, thereby, rewards.

As we mentioned in the first part of our “Ownership Economy”, we’ve created special benefits for the early adopters of our project and an extra % for rewards from the staking & grading systems in the future!

Staking principles & rates

Now, let’s dive deeper into our ‘Grading’ system and dispel hidden tips on how to increase your level 😉

As we have mentioned earlier, depending on the number of followers, activity, and stacking of tokens, each user gets into a tier/grade/level, where he will have access to his own pool of tokens.

Thus, % of tokens will also depend on your grade in an equal share with other users in a particular grade. We’re adding the possibility of staking for UMINT tokens directly inside the application.

The logic is quite simple: the number of UMINT tokens must be locked in staking over a period of time (30 days in our case).

Example of grade | number of tokens keypoints:

1. 10 tokens

2. 100 tokens

3. 500 tokens

4. 1k

5. 5k

6. 10k

7. 25k

8. 50k

9. 75k

10. 100k+ tokens

“Early Bird” additional benefits in staking & grading

The early adopters of the YouMinter app will have a unique opportunity and benefits to get an extra rewards rate in staking and grading systems.

Although each member of the YouMinter community has exceptional opportunities for promoting their own NFTs. Moreover, early ambassadors of our app have special bonuses. Our ‘Early Bird’ program benefits users with a special % in staking & grading systems while using the YouMinter app.

In other words, the earlier you start building & growing your community in the YouMinter app, the more privileges you will have in terms of the “Ownership Economy” program. Thus, the earlier you come and begin to develop your community in the YouMinter app, the more profit and “share” in the pool you will get.

To say more, over the ‘Early Bird’ campaign’s period, we’ll linearly distribute an additional coefficient 😉

Our ‘Early Bird’ program benefits the early adopters for creating an activity inside of their communities or profiles.

This awesome feature targets both goals: growing your own community while gaining an extra income. The faster your community grows inside the YouMinter app, the more benefits you get. And the more people are using the app, the more subscribers you get! Cool, right? 😎

It stimulates artists and creative people to start minting their creations into NFT and promoting them as well inside of the YouMinter network👍

Extra rewards and bonuses in staking & grading systems will allow users to obtain additional UMINT tokens and generate an extra income.

Soon we’d publish new updates about our upcoming TGE and YouMinter iOS version launch!

To keep up to date with our future updates, please, stay tuned to our Medium Blog, Telegram channels, and news on our Twitter and Instagram profile 🙌❤️✨

P.S. We may update YouMinter’s Ownership Economy rules and formulas from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new rules or formulas on this page or via push notification in the YouMinter app.




Written by YouMinter

A social network in easy-to-use iOS and Android app that opens up the world of NFT to everyone and which is owned by its users. #passioneconomy #NFT

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